Prayer for Schools, San Marcos, Upcoming Events

TONIGHT 9/23/08 – Pre “Meet You at the Pole Event”

Promiseland San Marcos will be joining together with local churches on September 23rd at 7pm to pray for our schools.  We will be meeting at the gazebo in San Marcos.  There will also be a time of worship lead by Matt Brock and the youth band.  Let’s all join together in a time of prayer and support for our schools and students. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 392-4357.

San Marcos

Prayer Requests for San Marcos

If you are associated with PromiseLand San Marcos and would like to to add a prayer request, simply add a comment on this blog.  An administrator will post the request.   This is where prayers for San Marcos should be posted.  Requests from anyone in San Marcos are welcome.

Please read these  guidelines  before posting.
